Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Form vs. Content

I chose just one photo. This happens to be an advertisement for
Kayaking Jumbo Peanuts. Form is defined as how an artist choses to get their point across, whereas content is described as what the artist tries to get the audience to understand.

In this particular ad, one can see that the point the artist is trying to relay to the audience is that the Kayaking Jumbo Peanuts are the largest. This represents the content of the ad. Now, from my knowledge, just about everyone knows that elephants love to eat peanuts. So, the way the artist chooses to relay the message that this company has the largest peanuts is by showing one elephant helping another elephant who is choking on the Kayaking Jumbo Peanuts. By using elephants in the ad, the audience can not only relay the message that these are the largest peanuts (Content) but, also creatively display that message (Form).

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