Thursday, April 22, 2010


This is an art project that my art group and I constructed for a project related to Earth Day. It's a bear and a globe with the word Recycle, all made from recycled and natural materials.

Synesthetic photo

This is a photo of me running in the rain and the picture got the blur from me being in motion. I think this picture has a sound of 'Swoosh' or 'Vroom' to imitate the sound of objects in motion.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Wordle: Word Cloud

Wordle: Music of my Life

My word cloud represents music. I included words and people I think of when music
comes to mind. I have a passion for music and this was the first idea that came to
mind when I saw we had to do this particular blog.

Implied Motion in Starry Night

The swirling of the wind implies motion in the famous Van Gogh painting, Starry Night.

Jun Kaneco

This is a piece by Jun Kaneco that I really like. I like his face/head collections just because of their massive size. This one looks as if there is something being hidden. I like the mystery involved.

Animation: Environment!

This is an animation promoting environmental issues.

Brainstorm: Class Project

I really liked the idea of taking natural materials and making some kind of object out of those materials. I think a big statement could be made if this was done. It would be great to do on the Earth Day activities and broadcast it!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Moods of Lines

The lines represented on this album cover give off a feeling of fun and excitement.


This image has actual lines in it.
The lines depicted here represent actual and psychic lines.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pantone Color: Color Trends!

"Rich vibrant colors raise our optimism and mood. The new fashion color rule for 2010 is that there are no rules."
_Thuy by Thuy Diep

Color Music Video

This is a video by Coldplay called Speed of Sound. It has tons of color in it!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Emphasis and Focal Point

Focal Point: One Element

Emphasis by Placement

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Repetition of Form: Cars, Cars, Cars

This is an example of repetition of form because the cars are the exact same and they are repeated, even though they are in a variation of colors.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Tight Grid: Numbers in Color by Jasper Johns from 1958-1959
Loose Grid: De Stijl by Piet Mondrian in 1930.

Gestalt All Around

This is a Gestalt project I made. I just took strips of construction paper and made a picture that represents the Gestalt Principle with negative spaces and diagonals.

Gestalt Principles: Similarity

This picture represents the Gestalt Principle of Similarity. The similarity is with the circles.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


This photo to the right is an example of a low key value photo. Notice how the photo is mostly dark.

This photo to the left however, is an example of a high

key value photo. Notice how the photo is mostly light.

Friday, February 12, 2010


This photo represents architectural radial symmetry.It's a great example of
symmetry that can be found in buildings, designs,
and architecture.

This is an example of symmetrical balance. The posts perfectly frames the beach in a balanced way. The photo is very peaceful too.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

"Unearthed": Lake Keowee

This is a photo from Emily Gomez's "Unearthed" Collection. It is a photo of Lake Keowee which rests on Keowee Town, Salem, South Carolina. This was the former capital of the Lower Cherokee Nation. This photo is a beautiful example of balance in terms of art. With the monochromatic feel of the photo, it almost seems as if there is vertical and horizontal symmetry in the photo. When I saw this photo, I immediately feel in love with it. It shows such depth and value. The collection as a whole tells a story that you that you not only want to know more about, but it tells a story that you almost want to be apart of.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Andy Goldsworthy Art

Andy Goldsworthy is an artist that uses the environment to sculpt Earth art. He uses elements of the Earth to show people the beauty in the things around them. I found this particular sculpture to be very interesting. It is called The Storm King Wall which he constructed between 1997 and 1998. I love the way it weaves in and out of the trees, almost as if it's creating a path to follow. An interesting fact is that there used to be another wall within the same area of this wall. I think Goldsworthy did a great job with building his art. I always think it's a good idea to get people to realize the beauty that's right in their own backyards.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

College Hill Corridor

I have to admit, at first I had no idea what the College Hill Corridor was. Little did I know, it's practically Mercer's backyard!

So I have to choose an area where I would like to put a creative piece of Public Art. I've thought about it some and I think I'm going to either choose the area by Jittery Joe's, Francar's, and the water fountain. Or I may go for a more naturalistic approach and choose a spot near Tattnall Square Park.

Whichever area I ultimately choose, I'm going to make my Public Art into something that is cohesive with the backdrop. I think this is going to be a great project. I can't wait to get started and see where my creativity takes me!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Pig Plane!

So I thought this was the perfect piece of public art because it combines two of my favorite things: pigs and planes!

I thought this was really cute and I love how the artist was able to blend the plane and pig in a synergistic way. Overall, I think the artist did a great job. I'm not sure where this pig is located, but if I were to choose a place to put it, it would definately be the airport. What about you?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Form vs. Content

I chose just one photo. This happens to be an advertisement for
Kayaking Jumbo Peanuts. Form is defined as how an artist choses to get their point across, whereas content is described as what the artist tries to get the audience to understand.

In this particular ad, one can see that the point the artist is trying to relay to the audience is that the Kayaking Jumbo Peanuts are the largest. This represents the content of the ad. Now, from my knowledge, just about everyone knows that elephants love to eat peanuts. So, the way the artist chooses to relay the message that this company has the largest peanuts is by showing one elephant helping another elephant who is choking on the Kayaking Jumbo Peanuts. By using elephants in the ad, the audience can not only relay the message that these are the largest peanuts (Content) but, also creatively display that message (Form).