Thursday, April 22, 2010


This is an art project that my art group and I constructed for a project related to Earth Day. It's a bear and a globe with the word Recycle, all made from recycled and natural materials.

Synesthetic photo

This is a photo of me running in the rain and the picture got the blur from me being in motion. I think this picture has a sound of 'Swoosh' or 'Vroom' to imitate the sound of objects in motion.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Wordle: Word Cloud

Wordle: Music of my Life

My word cloud represents music. I included words and people I think of when music
comes to mind. I have a passion for music and this was the first idea that came to
mind when I saw we had to do this particular blog.

Implied Motion in Starry Night

The swirling of the wind implies motion in the famous Van Gogh painting, Starry Night.

Jun Kaneco

This is a piece by Jun Kaneco that I really like. I like his face/head collections just because of their massive size. This one looks as if there is something being hidden. I like the mystery involved.

Animation: Environment!

This is an animation promoting environmental issues.

Brainstorm: Class Project

I really liked the idea of taking natural materials and making some kind of object out of those materials. I think a big statement could be made if this was done. It would be great to do on the Earth Day activities and broadcast it!